As İnebolu Tersanecilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi we have prepared this clarification text in order to inform you, our Visitors, Online Visitors, Customers, Potential Customers, Supplier Employees and Supplier Executives regarding the processing, storage and transfer of your personal data within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law No 6698 (“KVKK”) and its activities arising from relevant legislation and legal regulations.

1.) What Are the Personal Data Categories We Process and For What Purposes Do We Process Them?

Your personal information can be processed by İnebolu Tersanecilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi according to article 4.2 of KVKK in accordance with the principles of

  1. Being in conformity with the law and good faith,
  2. Being accurate and when necessary, up to date,
  3. Being processed for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes,
  4. Being relevant, limited and proportionate to the purposes for which data are processed,
  5. Being stored only for the time designated by relevant legislation or necessitated by the purpose for which data are collected

within the scope of our ongoing business relations with our business partners, it can be processed for the following purposes (it is possible for one person to fall into multiple categories).

A. Our Visitors

Identification information (e.g. name, surname) Physical security information (e.g. security camera records) of our visitors will be processed for the following purposes;

  1. creating and tracking visitor records,
  2. to ensure physical security.

B. Our Online Visitors

Transaction security information (e.g. your IP address information), marketing information (e.g. shopping history, cookie records) and (if you provide us with them*) identification information, contact information (e.g. your e-mail address) of our online visitors using our website will be processed for the following purposes;

  • conducting activities in accordance with the legislation,
  • execution of information security processes,
  • tracking of requests / complaints,
  • conducting communication activities,
  • providing information to authorized persons, institutions and organizations,
  • access to our website via the Internet.

C. Our Customers

Identity information, contact information, customer transaction information (e.g. order information), physical security information, financial information (e.g. balance sheet information), legal transaction information, marketing information (e.g. shopping history) of the executives and/or employees of our legal person customers and/or natural person customers will be processed for the following purposes.

  • conducting activities in accordance with the legislation,
  • conducting financial and accounting operations,
  • execution / audit of business activities,
  • carrying out logistics activities,
  • carrying out after-sales support services for goods/services,
  • carrying out sales processes of goods/services,
  • conducting marketing analysis studies,
  • execution of contract processes,
  • giving necessary information to authorized persons, institutions, and organizations,
  • ensuring physical security,
  • follow-up and conducting of legal affairs,
  • carrying out storage and archiving operations,
  • conducting risk management operations,
  • carrying out advertisement/campaign/promotion processes, sending commercial electronic messages,
  • carrying out loyalty management programmes for company/products/services
  • conducting communication activities.

D. Our Potential Customers
Identity information, contact information, customer transaction information, physical security information, marketing information of the employees of our legal person customers and/or natural person customers will be processed for the following purposes.

  • to carry out sales processes of goods/services,
  • to carry out contract management processes,
  • ensuring physical security,
  • carrying out advertisement/campaign/promotion processes, sending commercial electronic messages,
  • conducting marketing analysis studies.

E. Our Supplier Employee

Identification information, contact information, physical security information of our supplier employees will be processed for the following purposes;

  • conducting communication activities,
  • execution / audit of business activities,
  • ensuring physical security,
  • conducting supply chain management processes,
  • carrying out logistics activities,
  • conducting activities in accordance with the legislation,
  • conducting occupational health / safety activities.

F. Our Supplier Executive
Identity information, contact information, physical security information, customer transaction information, financial information, legal transaction information of our natural person suppliers or legal person supplier executives will be processed for the following purposes;

  • execution / audit of business activities,
  • execution of goods / service procurement processes,
  • conducting financial and accounting affairs,
  • execution of contract processes,
  • execution of investment processes,
  • ensuring physical security,
  • follow-up and conducting of legal affairs.

2.) What Are the Collection Methods of Your Personal Data?

Your personal data specified in categories above are gathered in automated or non-automated ways through physical means such as order forms, contracts, visitor forms, or information systems and electronic devices (e.g. telecommunications infrastructure, computers and phones), third parties (e.g. KKB and Findeks), our website and other documents declared by the person concerned.

3) What Is the Legal Reason for Collecting Your Personal Data?
Your personal data is processed by İnebolu Tersanecilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi in order to achieve the objectives described above, on the basis of the following legal reasons as stated in Article 5 of KVKK;

  • Explicitly stipulated in laws,
  • Provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract, the processing of personal data of the contract parties is necessary,
  • Data processing is mandatory for the data controller to fulfil their legal obligation,
  • Data processing is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right,
  • Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.

4. Do We Transfer Your Personal Data to a Third Party?
a) Personal data of our visitors can be shared with law enforcement and judicial authorities for the purpose of resolving legal disputes and if required by the relevant legislation.

b) Personal data of our online visitors can be shared with judicial authorities and authorized public institutions and organizations for the purpose of resolving legal disputes and if required by the relevant legislation.

c) Personal data of our customers can be shared with the authorized public institutions and organizations in order to ensure that our operations comply with the legislation, handle and follow-up on legal affairs, to inform the authorized persons, institutions and organizations within the scope of the legal regulations; they are transferred to our group companies, suppliers, cargo companies, IT companies, insurance companies, banks and financial advisors to the
extent necessary for the purpose of conducting business operations/auditing, risk management processes and performing our services properly. In addition, the personal data in question may
be transferred to the law firm we work with and the judicial authorities, in order to be used as evidence in possible legal disputes in the future.

d) Personal data of our potential customers can be transferred to the law firm we work with and judicial authorities in order to be used as evidence in future legal disputes.

e) Personal data of our supplier employee can be shared with the authorized public institutions and organizations in order to ensure that our operations comply with the legislation, handle and follow-up on legal affairs, to inform the authorized persons, institutions and organizations within the scope of the legal regulations, to carry out/supervise business operations; it is transferred to group companies, suppliers, cargo companies, IT companies, banks and our financial advisor to the extent necessary to perform our services properly. In addition, the personal data in question may be transferred to the law firm we work with and the judicial authorities, in order to be used as evidence in possible legal disputes in the future.

f) Personal data of our supplier executive can be transferred within the scope of the legal regulation to the authorized public institutions and organizations in order to ensure our activities comply with the legislation, to handle and follow up on the legal affairs, to inform
the authorized persons, institutions and organizations, to carry out/supervise business operations; it is transferred to group companies, suppliers, cargo companies, IT companies, banks and our financial advisor to the extent necessary to perform our services properly. In addition, the personal data in question may be transferred to the law firm we work with and the judicial authorities, in order to be used as evidence in possible legal disputes in the future.

5) Do We Transfer Your Personal Data Abroad?
As İnebolu Tersanecilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi,, we do not transfer your personal data abroad.

6) How Can You Exercise Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data?

You can submit us your requests within the scope of Article 11 of KVKK, which regulates the rights of the data subject, via the “Application Form to Data Controller” prepared for your convenience in accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to Data Controller, at the “” address of İnebolu Tersanecilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi

Data Controller: İnebolu Tersanecilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi

Address: Eğitim Mh. Poyraz Sk. Ertogay İş Merkezi No:3 K:8 D:23-24 Kadıköy/İstanbul


"109 Years of Experience,
the Assurance of the Sea."

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If you have any more questions, Contact us


Eğitim Mah. Poyraz Sok. Ertogay İş Merkezi No.3 Kat.8 Daire:23-24 Hasanpaşa Kadıköy İSTANBUL / TÜRKİYE
Tel : +90 216 337 55 01 (pbx)
Fax : +90 216 337 50 91
E-mail :


Inebolu Shipyard, Inebolu, Kastamonu, Turkey
Phone : +90 366 811 60 29
Fax : +90 366 811 60 22
E-mail :

  • Our Shipyard is strategically located
    on the west cost of Black Sea in Turkey,
    within the Inebolu Port.

  • Latitude 41° 58′ 45N
    Longitude 33° 46′ 09E
    Time zone (est) UTC+2(+3DT)


Years of

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  • Maıntaın

  • Satısfıed Customers

Repaır, Maıntenance, Strengthenıng, Realızatıon.